Technical Information
Australian Standards
All the General Purpose Aftermarket belts we sell comply to the following Australia or International Standards;
AS/NZS 2596 Seat belt assemblies for motor vehicles (ECE Regulation No. 16, MOD)
AS/NZS 1754 Child restraint systems for use in motor vehicles.
ISO6683 Earth-moving Machinery – Seat Belts and Seat Belt Anchorages
General Purpose Seatbelts are AS/NZS-2596 certified seatbelts and this is a category of seatbelt aimed mainly at retrofitting to older vehicles. Note that most General Purpose Inertia Reel seat belts cannot be used in a seating position which is fitted with Airbags. All seatbelts for on road use must be certified to AS/NZS2596 or ADR4. Choosing the correct seat belt is essential to ensure your safety.
Rewebbing/Restoring Seat Belts
We do not rewebb or repair seat belts as it is not permitted under AS/NZS2596 or ADR4.
All states in Australia require seat belts fitted to vehicles to comply with AS/NZS2596 or ADR4. The only exceptions to this rule are for Original Equiment Manufacturers (ie new cars) and if you currently reside in Western Australia. Western Australia is the only state at this point in time that allows you to fit a rewebbed, refurbished or restored seat belt that are tagged with an AS1753 label. AS1753 is a standard that only refers to the webbing of the seat belt and not the overall assembly itself. Don’t be fooled into thinking that AS1753 will be accepted for roadworthy or registration inspections anywhere outside Western Australia.
There is only 2 seat belt manufacturers here in Australia that make seat belts under license to the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS2596. Neither of them use secondhand components because they cannot guarantee the structural integrity of the belts in the even of any accident. The Australian Standard has very strict guidelines and one of them is that only new components are used when manufacturing seat belts to the standard.
Found someone that will rewebb seat belts for you? More than likely they will not be able to provide you with their Australian Standards AS/NZS2596 certification when questioned even if it is on their label that is on the rewebbed seat belt. Any person/s or business licensed under this standard will be able to provide you with their certificate of compliance in written form, if they can’t then they will not comply to the standard and their product has no genuine certification. They probably aren’t insured in the event of a fatility either if the rewebbed belt failed in an accident. All seat belts tagged with AS/NZS2596 must use all new and tested components in production.
One thing to remember that it is not illegal to sell rewebbed seat belts in most states of Australia but it is illegal to fit secondhand or rewebbed seat belts. The penalties and consequences for injuries and/or death fall on the installer. Do you want to run the risk of a $10,000,000 lawsuit or jail time?
What Belts Do I Need in my Vehicle?
When trying to find a replacement seat belt for your vehicle it can sometimes be very frustrating when you call the manufacturer of your vehicle and they say that your seat belt has been discontinued, or they do still have it available but it is going to cost you $400 or $800.
We have been able to help thousands of customers with a replacement seat belt for vehicles that they can no longer buy seat belts for or the car dealers are asking for hundreds of dollars for a replacement seat belt.
Have a chat to one of our friendly staff today to find out if we are able to help you with a replacement seat belt for your vehicle.
Every vehicle is different and even two vehicles that have been built in the same production run or year may be different. You may not be the original owner and you may not know what modifications have been made to the vehicle before you purchased it. This also goes for some of our classic cars which appear to be all original equipment at first glance but once you really start to look at them there are details that are somewhat different.
When selecting seat belts for your hotrod or classic car this is why it is important to speak to your engineer first to see what seat belts are required as a minimum. Each state in Australia has their own set of registration rules along with the Australian Design Rules to adhere to and if you want to have your vehicle pass the plating or registration process first go it is important to get it right.
Your engineer or registration body will be able to help you with
*Advice on your local requirements for minimum registration for your particular vehicle
*Advice on where to install your anchor points if you vehicle has none
*Advice on if you can just put in a lap only seat belt or if you require lap/sash because of the size of your engine
*Advice on whether you need belts in the back as well or just in the front
*Advice on where to put child anchor points and how many are required
Although it might not seem important at the time to obtain this information it will save alot of headaches and $ down the track if you have to purchase new belts as well as rip out that plush carpeting or body panelling you have just put in the back.
What buckle do I have and how do I measure the length of my buckle?
Not all buckles are created equal and they come in all different styles and sizes. They are also able to be mounted in several different places beside or on the seat so it can become quite confusing when it comes time to replace or pick your buckle style and length.
It is important to get the correct length and style buckle to replace your existing buckle if replacing it or putting in a new one. Regulations state that an aftermarket buckle can be ±40mm of the original length of the buckle that came with your vehicle. Your vehicle in the same model and year can be different to another also built in the same year so it is important to take note of the configuration of your vehicle and not one that is the same or similar
Getting the length and mounting point wrong could mean the difference between the buckle and seat belt assembly saving your life in an accident or breaking a hip or at worst the buckle breaking free of it’s inadequate mounting point and rendering your seat belt useless.
Buckles come in several different types and can have several different mounting styles/points.
Seat mounted – Usually a shorter style buckle mounted with a rigid piece of flat or bent steel bolted to the seat or seat frame
Tunnel mounted – Usually a cable stalk buckle attached to the transmittion tunnel or centre console or a 90º L Bracket
Floor mounted – Usually a cable stalk buckle with either a 45º or 90º bend at the bolt end of the buckle
Under Seat mounted – Usually a webbing buckle either at a fixed length or adjustable to any length and clamped down to a fix length
The length of a buckle is measured from the centre of the bolt hole right up to the tip of the plastic part of the buckle.
Still not sure which buckle type you have? Check out our different types of buckles and lengths to determine which buckle best matches up with yours.
Don’t forget when ordering kits to check that YOUR buckle matches in length and style with the one our site recommended for your vehicle.
If it doesn’t then Contact Us and we will give you the correct part number for your vehicles configuration